Grim dawn reaper of the lost
Grim dawn reaper of the lost

Reapers do their best to adjust to life in the community-usually a human one-where they choose to live. Society: Reapers live both among mortals and apart from them, just similar enough to other mortals to seem somehow ”off”. Reapers often wear elaborate funereal masks reminiscent of those worn by psychopomps, and the eyes that gaze out of the eyeholes of those masks are often of a color rare or unseen in humans, such as silver, pale blue, or dark purple.

grim dawn reaper of the lost

Their skin is paler, and their features slightly more angular, with hair that is usually long and dark. Physical Description: Reapers are built similarly to humans, though they tend to stand slightly taller and leaner. As rare as tieflings, aasimars, and elemental planetouched are among the mortal races, so much rarer are reapers than these, as most psychopomps remain aloof and impartial, and the nosoi, who are most likely to have congress with mortalkind, are usually unable to conceive children due to their size and form. General Info: Reapers are usually the result of the extremely rare case of interbreeding between mortals and psychopomps, though they may also rarely arise from other races when a mortal suffers an extraordinary brush with death or makes a deal with a psychopomp to extend her time on the material world in exchange for assisting the psychopomp’s goals. 1 This category includes barbarians, oracles, rogues, and sorcerers.Ģ This category includes bards, cavaliers, fighters, gunslingers, paladins, rangers, summoners, and witches.ģ This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, monks, and wizards.

Grim dawn reaper of the lost